There are several benefits of this ebook and most importantly it gives you a step by step guide on how to perform different tasks and troubleshoot your boat. This repair and service manual covers omc cobra stern drive engines, 19942000. Omc cobra stern drive including king cobra 19861993. In 1985 omc redesigned their sterndrive product and named it the cobra, after the expiration of a few volvo penta patents. Learn how to repair and maintain an outboard marine corp. Original omc manual in pdf format and a seloc hard copy. Loosen both set screws from the casing guide and then loosen the lock nut and unscrew the casing guide jacket so that only the bare wire end of the shift cable is exposed. Disconnect the transom bracket shift cable from the shift bracket located on the engine. Omc marine engine 19861993 cobra sterndrive motor repair. This clymer omc cobra 19861993 stern drive boat engine repair manual provides detailed service information, stepbystep repair instruction and maintenance specifications for 19861993 omc cobra stern drive boat engines including. Omc cobra lower unit cobra kit sterndrive replacement. Stern drive model number code information stern drives 19811985 cobra drives 19861993.
You can see the specific models covered listed below. Glm oem item 86300 3852560 seal 811802 911851 oring kit contents. Omc cobra stern drive marine service and repair manuals. Stern drive tuneup and repair manuals published by seloc cover most models of mercruisers from 1961, most omc models from 1964, and most volvopenta models from 1968. Omc cobra stern drive tech info part 3 bayliner owners club. Our reputation being already established in the us, we put our expertise at your service in order to find you the high quality products at the best prices. Built properly, these units will last for the life of the boat. Bayliner owners club omc cobra stern drive tech info. Clymer omc cobra 19861993 stern drive boat engine repair manual. We carry parts for omc inboard, omc stern drive and omc outdrive.
Clymer omc cobra stern drive manuals are written specifically for the doityourself enthusiast. This makes it very convenient to order parts from a dealer. Includes 1988 and 1989 king cobra models manual to be very concise and accurately detailed. Formed in 1929, the outboard marine corporation went on to design their lines of outboards and sterndrives that recreational boaters today know as omc. Home clymer marine manuals omc cobra stern drive clymer marine manuals. Seloc service manual, omc cobra sterndrive 1986 1998. Omc cobra owneroperators manual omc cobra service manual omc cobra parts catalog the third item may surprise you.
Omc outboard motor corporation officially went out of business in 1998 when volvo purchased the rights and their manufacturing facility in lexington. Omc cobra outdrives built from 19861993 are all virtually identical to each. Clymer omc cobra 19861993 stern drive boat engine repair. Omc stern drive shop manual 19641984 b clymer color tech section. We stock omc stern drives for all of the omc models including omc cobra, and the mechanical and electric shift omc stringer. Following the expiration of several volvo patents, omc came out with a redesigned stern drive product and branded it the cobra, which began shipping in 1985.
Clymer marine repair manuals are the number one source for marine engine repair and service. Omc would invest in new technologies, including the newer sterndrive engines that would change recreational boating forever. Omc cobra stern drive tech info part 2 bayliner owners club. How to remove and install an omc cobra outdrive and change.
Dec 05, 2010 a copy of the original omc manual in pdf format is included as well a seloc hard copy manual that comes with the boat. The repair manual contains hundreds of original photographs and illustrations obtained from the complete disassembly and assembly of the engine. I will show you how to remove and replace an omc cobra outdrive and change the gear lube properly. With stepbystep procedures combined with detailed photography and extensive use of exploded parts views, clymer. Omc cobra stern drive shop manual, 19861993 includes. Drill down to the year, horsepowerliter, model number and engine section to get an online inventory of original and aftermarket omc boat parts. Cobra sterndrive 800 omc parts mercruiser outdrive videos. Sterndrive replacements sei90 10902 lower units are among the top ones you can find in the omc cobra aftermarket. If you prefer traditional service manuals seloc also offers a full line of printed engine repair and maintenence guides. This service manual is written for the doityourselfer as well as the experienced mechanic. Sterndrive or inboardoutboard motors proved to be just as versatile as outboards outselling them at a rate of 10. With the introduction of this omc cobra volvo sx sterndrive hybrid model, also referred to as the cone clutch, the last of the omc designed sterndrives finished production in 1992. Clymer b738 19881993 omc cobra stern drive maintenance service shop manual.
Omc stringer cobra sterndrive sterndrive engineering. Replaces 19861993 cobra drives that shift in the lower unit. Omc cobra stern drive shop manual, 19861993 includes 1988. Sterndrive replacement holds an omc cobra conversion kit at an affordable price on the market. Omc cobra stern drive clymer marine manuals haynes. From basic maintenance and troubleshooting to complete overhauls, our omc cobra stern drive manuals provide the information you need. The omc stern drive manual by clymer is a great reference for repair and service information. The most important tool in your toolbox may be your clymer manual.
A copy of the original omc manual in pdf format is included as well a seloc hard copy manual that comes with the boat. Reconditioned omc cobra sterndrive upper 19861993 5. I found the clymer omc cobra stern drive shop manual 1986 1993. My copy of the omc document is dated 101796, and i believe it to be the latest and final word omc will ever utter on this topic. Loosen both set screws from the casing guide and then loosen the lock nut and unscrew the casing guide jacket so. The main issue with the shift dog clutch units is the shift cable maintenance. Omc cobra stern drive manual service, shop and repair. Get the best deals on omc complete sterndrive outdrives when you shop the largest online selection at.
Omc stringer cobra stringer cobra 19861993 cobra joint venture 9498 transom parts cobra replacement part kits solas props for cobra clymer manuals for cobra mercurymarinerforce. I believe this procedure supercedes the procedure outlined in the omc cobra service manual. If you prefer traditional service manuals seloc also offers a full line of printed engine. Glm marine aftermarket omc cobra sterndrive parts and outdrive tools. Omc cobra stern drive clymer marine manuals haynes publishing. We offer seloc service manuals products at low prices with superior service. Your omc model number is the key to finding the correct parts for your motor or outdrive. Omc cobra omc king cobra stern drives service manuals, md model set of five. Omc cobra shift cable removal installation adjustment. This specific marine engine manual is for the omc cobra stern drives spanning 19861993. Fortunately, it is reasonably clear and easy to follow, and i am very satisifed with my results. Omc cobra stern drive repair shop manual 19942000 clymer. Omc cobra stern drive service and repair manual this clymer stern drive shop manual covers omc cobra engines for the years 19942000. Convert your cobra drive to a sei116 drive or to a mercruiser sterndrive alpha one generation 2 with a slight modification.
Additionally, ken cook publishing has made many previously obsolete boat motor owners, service and repair manuals available for omc motors dating back to the early 60s. With stepbystep procedures combined with detailed photography and extensive use of exploded parts views, clymer manuals are a musthave tool for the doityourselfer. Glm marine aftermarket omc cobra sterndrive parts and. Cobra owners capable of regreasing their own ujoints can change their own cables, but theyll need the omc shop manual, omc s streamlined adjustment procedure kwshift. Check out the deal on omc sterndrive 19641986 at sterndrive engineering. Seloc service manual, omc cobra sterndrive 19861998 available at wholesale marine. Omc cobra stern drive marine manuals clymer manuals. For the money it is one of the best and one of the very few at that, at this pricepoint. Seloc marine repair guides for omc engines online and. Omc cobra stern drives includes 1988 and 1989 king cobra models, 19861993.
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